
Graphic gives article and podcast title

What If My Burdens Are Too Heavy? | EP29

Do you feel like something is wrong with you when your burdens are too heavy to bear? People tell us that God doesn’t put more on us than we can handle, yet we are sinking fast. In episode 29, Carmen shares the promise Jesus makes us if we accept His yoke and hand over the reins of our lives. Verses mentioned:Matthew11.28-30Psalm 121.3-4Romans 8.34Hebrews 7.25Psalm 46.1

Image describes Your Hope Coach Podcast | EP19

Can We Find Beauty in Our Pain? | EP19

Are you standing in the rubble of your circumstances and wondering if you will ever find any good in all this bad? In this episode, Carmen offers several actions we can take to begin seeing the little bits of hope amid our ashes. Verses Carmen shared: Romans 8:282 Corinthians 1:3-5 Three questions from Grace Maps to ponder when searching for beauty in your ashes: 1. Can I see how God worked through this difficult time? 2. Did…

EP 12 Your Hope Coach Podcast| Why Our Restoration is Important to God

Why Our Restoration is Important to God | EP12

Why do we pray for restoration? Why is it so important for us to live restored lives? In this episode with Carmen and Kristine, you’ll learn what the Bible says about God’s restoration promises and what that means for our lives today.  Restoration is a process, but as we allow God to restore us, we will grow into the strong and steadfast person God designed us to be. Verses we mention in the conversation: Psalm…

How to Survive Your Worst Day | Ep09

How to Survive Our Worst Day | EP09

How do we carry on when life is cruel? In our episode today, we will discuss God’s gift of grace for our every day and every need. Links, Verses, and Points to Ponder: Verses mentioned:Genesis 16Philippians 4.13John 6.35;51Hebrews 4.16John 14.26Isaiah 55.11John 16.33 Read Carmen’s post to continue our discussion on facing our worst days > HERE:  Declaration: I declare Hebrews 4:16 over you today: You will run to God’s throne of grace with the boldness of…