
Is Your Journey Taking an Unfamiliar Path?

Is Your Journey Taking an Unfamiliar Path?

“Your word is a lamp to walk by, and a light to illumine my path.” Psalm 119:105, NET Anytime we begin to see the need to let a dream drift away, we grieve. Our journey began with a shiny travel brochure vision. We made a plan, maybe even set an arrival date, and then jumped on board. We paddled along, waves rocked us, and we paddled harder and faster. We told ourselves that these are the…

2 Questions to Help You Stop Being Fearful

2 Questions to Help You Stop Being Fearful

Most of my life I have lived in fear. It seems when I would get one fear under control, something else would crop up. Somewhere I decided the world was a scary place. Is it nurture or nature? Who knows. What I know is that there are a couple of questions I ask myself when that sinking, jittery feeling of fear envelopes me. What’s the worst that can happen? I’ve had to ask myself this…