
Sometimes It’s Hard to be Sweet

Sometimes It’s Hard to be Sweet

Does the rebel inside you ever want to come out? Are you like me and being sweet gets wearisome? I mean I want to do it right, I want to love and forgive and serve and… but sometimes, I just want to stomp my foot and yell like Ouiser on Steel Magnolias, “I’m not as sweet as I used to be.” Obedience brings all kinds of good blessings. I know all those things, but sometimes…

2 Questions to Help You Stop Being Fearful

2 Questions to Help You Stop Being Fearful

Most of my life I have lived in fear. It seems when I would get one fear under control, something else would crop up. Somewhere I decided the world was a scary place. Is it nurture or nature? Who knows. What I know is that there are a couple of questions I ask myself when that sinking, jittery feeling of fear envelopes me. What’s the worst that can happen? I’ve had to ask myself this…