Growing Spiritually

How to Flourish Where It Matters | EP 20 graphic

How to Flourish Where it Matters | EP20

In Episode 20, Carmen gives us two secrets to live happy, and the benefits of taking the writer of Psalm One’s advice. Verses:Psalm 1:1-6 The Beatitudes: Matthew 5:1-12 Our prayer: Dear Lord, Why does happiness seem to elude us at times? Life is hard, and we forget that true happiness is in our relationship with You. We want a lot of sunshine and flowers, but those rainy days come, and our hearts get water-logged and…

God's Pruning Prepares us for Restoration | EP11

God’s Pruning Prepares Us for Restoration | EP11

Happy Six-Month Podcast anniversary! Thank you so much for hanging out with us month after month to discuss Jesus and life. How does the pruning process prepare us for restoration? In today’s episode, we eavesdrop on Jesus’ conversation with the Samaritan woman at the well.  As we listen, we discover how pruning helped in her restoration. Links, Verses, and Points to Ponder: John 4John 15.1-5Colossians 1.10Proverbs 3.11-122 Corinthians 5.17 5 Prayers of Hope When You…

Stop Believing the Enemy’s Lies | EP08

Stop Believing the Enemy’s Lies | EP08

How do we recognize when the enemy is messing with our minds? How do we stop believing his lies? Listening to the lies of the enemy can affect every aspect of our daily lives, which can lead to discouragement and defeat. God’s Word shows us the key to protecting our minds. Listen in to today’s episode as Carmen and Kristine discuss this difficult yet important topic. They explore the story of Eve in the Bible,…

Jesus Christ is our Savior

Why Reading the Book of Numbers is Good for You

Hello, Friend, Have you ever asked yourself the purpose of reading the book of Numbers in the Bible? Yep. Me too. I ask it almost everytime I am reading through the Bible on a yearly plan. It’s been said that Leviticus and Numbers are the graveyard for read-through-the-Bible-in-a-year programs, so if you are in these books, hang on! I’m on two interesting paths in my Bible reading. Our church is reading through the Bible, chronologically,…