Faith, Hope & Joy

Living My Redeemed Life – {Podcast}

Living My Redeemed Life – {Podcast}

  I’m visiting over at Holly Barrett’s web home today. When she contacted me to join in the conversations happening at her place, I was honored. Each week, Holly pulls up a chair with her guest to discuss how they are living their redeemed life. I love this from her podcast page, “So Living a Redeemed Life Podcast is dedicated to encouraging all who listen to live in the redemption found in Jesus. To pick…

Relax in God’s Timing

Relax in God’s Timing

Remember when we were kids and we couldn’t wait until school summer vacation? By July, we had begun to mourn that it was almost over. July is upon us. I saw a Facebook meme recently informing FB world how many days until Christmas. Is it just me, or does it feel like we just hauled all that Christmas conglomeration to storage? I had some stuff I wanted to get done before my birthday and now…

The Ocean

The Ocean

A visit to the seashore, especially the Gulf of Mexico in the panhandle of Florida, is one of my favorite places. During times of fatigue and stress, seeing those waves rolling in and hearing them splash on the shore can bring an ahhhhh to my heart. I penned this little poem during my last visit. Tucked away, safely waiting for a day when I need to be reminded of God’s grace and love for His…

Momma Taught Me to Wear a Slip

Momma Taught Me to Wear a Slip

I heard Oprah say that nothing was more beautiful than seeing the gentle outline of panties under a sheer cotton dress in the summer time. You know what I thought, girl, you were raised in the South, what are you thinking? The only outline my momma had better seen under my dress was the hem of my slip. If you ask my girl to name one of the most traumatic things about her childhood she…