
Relax in God’s Timing

Relax in God’s Timing

Remember when we were kids and we couldn’t wait until school summer vacation? By July, we had begun to mourn that it was almost over. July is upon us. I saw a Facebook meme recently informing FB world how many days until Christmas. Is it just me, or does it feel like we just hauled all that Christmas conglomeration to storage? I had some stuff I wanted to get done before my birthday and now…

When the Uncontrollable Happens…

When the Uncontrollable Happens…

“Lord, you alone are my inheritance, my cup of blessing. You guard all that is mine.” Psalm 16:5 Some weeks are just more difficult than others. Don’t you agree? This week one of my dearest friends packed up and went to live with Jesus. She went to bed feeling better than she had felt in years, with plans to go shopping the next morning. Instead, she woke up and met Jesus. What manner of craziness…

Stepping Scared

Stepping Scared

“I came to you in weakness – timid and trembling.” 1 Corinthians 2:3, NLT We don’t normally associate timidity with Paul. His missionary journeys spread the gospel of Jesus across miles. Saul became Paul on the Damascus Road and it changed this harsh megaphone for The Law and Judaism to a compassionate light for Jesus. God used Paul to change lives, and in the end, Paul lost his life for the gospel. I love his…

When Harsh Conditions Expose Our Roots

When Harsh Conditions Expose Our Roots

“But blessed are those who trust in the LORD and have made the LORD their hope and confidence.” Jeremiah 17:7 Alongside the highway that leads to our church, winds a bayou. Standing tall on the banks are massive trees. Many of their roots have become visible through erosion. Deep into the soil, reaching toward the bayou, these trees flourish. They have learned to not only survive their circumstances, but to thrive. I want to be like those…