
It’s All About the Dressin’ and Dumplins’

It’s All About the Dressin’ and Dumplins’

In some homes, turkey is the spotlight. We’ve all seen the commercials with the beautifully browned bird placed perfectly in the center of the Thanksgiving table. Not in our family. It’s all about the dressin’ and dumplins’.  Mom is the chicken and dressing queen and my sis is taking her rightful place as the chicken and dumpling princess (I think that would be right. Being the daughter of the queen and all.) We will have ham and…

Momma Taught Me to Wear a Slip

Momma Taught Me to Wear a Slip

I heard Oprah say that nothing was more beautiful than seeing the gentle outline of panties under a sheer cotton dress in the summer time. You know what I thought, girl, you were raised in the South, what are you thinking? The only outline my momma had better seen under my dress was the hem of my slip. If you ask my girl to name one of the most traumatic things about her childhood she…

Focusing On More Than What’s Next

Focusing On More Than What’s Next

It can be hard focusing on Jesus during Christmas. Who am I kidding, it can be hard to keep our focus on anything but ourselves on most days. Do you know why I know this? On Thanksgiving day, when we had all filled our plates so full we would need to repent, we ate all that craziness and…forgot to bless the food. I can’t remember when we last forgot to bless our food as a…