
Trying Not To Drown | EP13

Trying Not To Drown | EP13

Do you feel like you are in a little dinghy in the middle of a sea of trouble? In our episode today, Carmen describes when she felt that way and offers a survival tip. Verses mentioned: Exodus 2 Matthew 5.45 John 7.38 and 4.14 Revelation 22. 1-2 The woman at Jacob’s well — John 4.1-28 Matthew 14.28-31 Declaration:  Any time you begin to sink, you will remember to do as Peter did and reach out…

EP 12 Your Hope Coach Podcast| Why Our Restoration is Important to God

Why Our Restoration is Important to God | EP12

Why do we pray for restoration? Why is it so important for us to live restored lives? In this episode with Carmen and Kristine, you’ll learn what the Bible says about God’s restoration promises and what that means for our lives today.  Restoration is a process, but as we allow God to restore us, we will grow into the strong and steadfast person God designed us to be. Verses we mention in the conversation: Psalm…

God's Pruning Prepares us for Restoration | EP11

God’s Pruning Prepares Us for Restoration | EP11

Happy Six-Month Podcast anniversary! Thank you so much for hanging out with us month after month to discuss Jesus and life. How does the pruning process prepare us for restoration? In today’s episode, we eavesdrop on Jesus’ conversation with the Samaritan woman at the well.  As we listen, we discover how pruning helped in her restoration. Links, Verses, and Points to Ponder: John 4John 15.1-5Colossians 1.10Proverbs 3.11-122 Corinthians 5.17 5 Prayers of Hope When You…

How Praying Scripture Helps Us | EP10

How Praying Scripture Helps Us | EP10

How do we pray when we don’t know what to say and our heart desires God’s will? Kristine and Carmen invite you to join in as they discuss some personal benefits of using Scripture to pray. They offer practical steps and personal examples to encourage you to pray back Scripture to the One who gave it as our guide to abundant living. Thank you for spending a few minutes with us. Talk to you again…