
How to Stop Saying the Wrong Things | EP42

How to Stop Saying the Wrong Things | EP42

Have you ever felt like you said the wrong thing and instantly regretted it? Have you struggled with what to say, or even if you should say anything at all? In today’s conversation, we look at how to stop saying the wrong things and what we need to do FIRST before we start working on our words. Co-hosts Carmen Horne and Kristine Brown discuss several passages of Scripture that address the importance of the words…

Image gives podcast title 3 Helpful Tools for Your Decision Making Toolbox | EP41

3 Helpful Tools for Your Decision Making Toolbox | EP41

Most of us want to make wise decisions, but we sometimes lack the tools to make good ones. In our episode today, Carmen offers three tools for your decision-making toolbox. Links and Verses: 1 Kings 3.5-141 Kings 3.9Proverbs 9.10James 1.5Proverbs 15.22John 10.10 Help with recovery efforts for Hurricane Helene: Samaritan’s Purse: https://samaritanspurse.org/

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What Does it Mean to Be Led by The Spirit? | EP40

Do you have questions about what it means to be led by the Spirit? Kristine and Carmen have pondered this question, too.  We invite you to join them in their conversation as they share some answers they discovered in their personal faith walks.  Verses mentioned: Romans 8:4-5 Galatians 5:16-17 Galatians 5:25 Kristine’s Video Resource: 3 Lessons About Being Led by the Spirit

Why Do We Wait to Ask God for Help? | EP39

Why Do We Wait to Ask God for Help? | EP39

Do you find yourself in a desperate situation, struggling to find answers? In this episode, Carmen offers one common reason we wait to ask God for help. Verses: Psalm 107John 15:52 Corinthians 3:5 Resource: Carmen’s article: Recognizing Faithfulness When Life Doesn’t Make Sense https://carmenhorne.com/2022/09/recognizing-faithfulness-when-life-doesnt-make-sense/