
The Best Way To Handle What-If Questions | EP04

The Best Way To Handle What-If Questions | EP04

Are what-if questions affecting your daily life? In episode four, co-hosts Carmen and Kristine look at the story of Rahab in the Bible. They discuss what we can learn from this bold woman of faith about the best way to handle what-if questions. Verses for further reading: Matthew 6.34 (MSG) Joshua chapters 2 & 6 Joshua 2.8-11 (NLT) Hebrews 10.23 (ESV) Tip from this episode: Learn to trade what-if questions for living as-if. Coaching question:…

How Do We Survive Life’s Storms? | EP03

How Do We Survive Life’s Storms? | EP03

Do you ever feel like a little dinghy in the middle of the stormy sea, wondering how you will survive a sudden life storm? In this episode, let’s discuss a few things we can learn about Jesus and storms from Mark’s recounting of Jesus’ disciples’ harrowing ride. Links, Verses, and Points to Ponder: Verses mentioned: Mark 4.35-41 1 Peter 5.7 Scriptural Declaration: Matthew 7:24-25 — Because you are building your life on The Rock —…

How Changing Our Perspective Affects How We Feel | EP02

How Changing Our Perspective Affects How We Feel | EP02

In this episode, Carmen and Kristine discuss changing our perspective when life throws in the unexpected. Have you ever asked God why? Gideon in the Bible sure did. In Judges 6:13 (NLT), Gideon asked God, “Sir,” Gideon replied, ‘if the Lord is with us, why has all this happened to us?’” Links, Verses, Points to Ponder: Free Download: Seeing God’s Grace Guide Closing Question: What perspective will we have this year? Tip: Be in God’s…

Your Hope Coach Ep01

Praising God With a Broken Heart | EP01

This is an exciting day for us. My very first podcast episode drops today! You can listen below or in your very favorite podcast player. How do you praise God when your heart is broken? In my special Christmas message, our discussion focuses on God’s beautiful redemption story. Through God’s grace and mercy, His light shines on us when we are sitting in a dark place. Our faithful God will help us, one step at…