
Because We Don’t Know What’s Ahead – Gratitude

Because We Don’t Know What’s Ahead – Gratitude

Trust in and rely confidently on the Lord with all your heart and do not rely on your own insight or understanding. [a]In all your ways know and acknowledge and recognize Him, and He will make your paths straight and smooth [removing obstacles that block your way]. Proverbs 3:5-6, AMP Gosh, I’ve missed talking to you all. My daughter has battled illness for about a month. Our focus has been on caring for her and…

Momma Taught Me to Wear a Slip

Momma Taught Me to Wear a Slip

I heard Oprah say that nothing was more beautiful than seeing the gentle outline of panties under a sheer cotton dress in the summer time. You know what I thought, girl, you were raised in the South, what are you thinking? The only outline my momma had better seen under my dress was the hem of my slip. If you ask my girl to name one of the most traumatic things about her childhood she…

What Love Started in the Manger, the Empty Tomb Completed

What Love Started in the Manger, the Empty Tomb Completed

“God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him.” John 3:17, NLT I’m glad God is a perfect mixture of those famous biblical sisters, Martha and Mary. It gives me hope. I tend to lean a bit toward Martha and she gets a harsh look from most of the world. Mary is developing within me. Life has a way of helping us to see how…

Focusing On More Than What’s Next

Focusing On More Than What’s Next

It can be hard focusing on Jesus during Christmas. Who am I kidding, it can be hard to keep our focus on anything but ourselves on most days. Do you know why I know this? On Thanksgiving day, when we had all filled our plates so full we would need to repent, we ate all that craziness and…forgot to bless the food. I can’t remember when we last forgot to bless our food as a…