
Why December is so Lovely
Sometimes when I sit down to write, I get an overwhelming feeling that my words need to meet some elusive criteria set by they. When I get caught up in that little game, I inevitably lose. They are so hard to please, mainly because they are mighty in number. So often I tell Lary that we need this or can’t eat that or must do this because they said it. He usually says, “Well, if…

Waking Up With Jesus
“And they were to stand every morning, thanking and praising the Lord, and likewise at evening.” 1 Chronicles 23:30 Sitting at our breakfast table in the wee hours of the morning makes me want to ask the question, “Do you know where your brain is?”, or maybe make the statement, “A mind is a terrible thing to waste.” Quiet time… I had made the commitment to meet with God before I left for work. This meant…

It’s All About the Dressin’ and Dumplins’
In some homes, turkey is the spotlight. We’ve all seen the commercials with the beautifully browned bird placed perfectly in the center of the Thanksgiving table. Not in our family. It’s all about the dressin’ and dumplins’. Mom is the chicken and dressing queen and my sis is taking her rightful place as the chicken and dumpling princess (I think that would be right. Being the daughter of the queen and all.) We will have ham and…