
Abiding Joy Book Cover

Pondering the Birth of Jesus

Hey friends, welcome Ellen Chauvin to our porch. I wrote for her a few weeks ago, Learning to Listen. Hop over there to remind yourself of how Ellen and I met. Ellen has an amazing Christmas e-book that she is gifting to her subscribers and she wants to offer it to Y’all too.  Ellen is a joy to be with and a steady, calm voice to my heart when I need it. Enjoy the words she has…

It Really is Who You Know that Matters

It Really is Who You Know that Matters

“It’s not what you know but who you know that really matters.” Have you ever made that statement? I have. I said it recently when my daughter changed jobs with the help of a recommendation from her friend.  I’m pretty sure that Lazarus and his sisters were depending on their connection to Jesus when Lazarus fell ill. He had dined in their home. Reading their story in John 11 feels like there is a closeness….