
Will God Find Integrity When He Looks?

Will God Find Integrity When He Looks?

I know, my God, that you examine our hearts and rejoice when you find integrity there. You know I have done all this with good motives, and I have watched your people offer their gifts willingly and joyously. 1 Chronicles 29:17, NLT This scripture is a part of David’s prayer of praise. As king, David was not allowed to re-build the Temple. He was a warrior king. God chose Solomon, his soon-to-be king son, as…

Threads of Healing

Threads of Healing

I’m reading through Hosea with the Hello Mornings group and they asked us to research the word “heal” found in chapter 7, verse 1. Hosea is an interesting book. I can get so wrapped up in the difficult circumstances Hosea and his kids were going through with Gomer, that I forget God is speaking to Israel about her unfaithfulness to Him. I am also asking God to speak to me so I may see how…

When the Uncontrollable Happens…

When the Uncontrollable Happens…

“Lord, you alone are my inheritance, my cup of blessing. You guard all that is mine.” Psalm 16:5 Some weeks are just more difficult than others. Don’t you agree? This week one of my dearest friends packed up and went to live with Jesus. She went to bed feeling better than she had felt in years, with plans to go shopping the next morning. Instead, she woke up and met Jesus. What manner of craziness…

Some Prisons Have Invisible Walls

Some Prisons Have Invisible Walls

One of my goals in life has been to never see the inside of prison walls. I mean, I watch t.v., and that’s as close I have ever wanted to be, until this weekend. When Russell and Christine Roseberry with InnerFaith Prison Ministry visited our church a few months ago, I intended to do as I have always done: smile sweetly and walk quickly past their information table in the church’s foyer. What actually happened in my heart…