
Can we just change our minds?

Can we just change our minds?

I’m joining in on Five Minute Friday this week. FMF gives writers an opportunity to free write for five minutes without the stress of editing and revising. Friday’s prompt was change. Can we just change our minds today? We have this “thing” staring us in the face and we were sure how we would handle it. We had rehearsed the scenarios and feel confident we know the appropriate action. I would never say…do…put up with…take…You’ve…

When God needs to heal your body and your heart

The tile on the bathroom wall is cool to my cheek. I sit on the floor and try to be quiet because it’s the middle of the night. My heart is racing. Tears flow and I sing under my breath, “Jesus loves me this I know. For the Bible tells me so…Yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, Jesus loves me…” How did I get here? If I close my eyes today, I can see the scene clearly….