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Pressing past weariness…

Pressing past weariness…

Recently during Bible study, “Gideon” by Priscilla Shirer, I read this.  “Passion doesn’t negate weariness.  It just resolves to press beyond it”.   This really seems to be true.  What am I passionate about?  When I think on that question and then think about weariness and pressing on I see the areas where I press on. My dear husband always says we find time to do what we really want to do.  Not only do we find time,…

Life is sweet…

Life is sweet…

2013 has arrived!  There is an old wives’ tale that says what you are doing at midnight is what you will be doing all year.  Midnight for my family was spent together with lots of laughter and that is how I hope our next year will be spent because 2012 had its fair share of sadness.  The Bible says that “laughter is good medicine”.   Solomon with all of his godly wisdom was right.    Do…

“Go Straight On”…

On the road of life, do you ever feel like you may have taken the wrong exit?  I do.  I look up and think where am I and how did I get here!  Where did I miss the road sign?  Or, I could have seen a road sign that look really interesting and I just exited.  Sometimes we didn’t take the wrong exit, we were just not paying attention.  We are traveling along, almost on…



I have fallen for fall!  This weekend in the “land of pine trees and lakes” is really our first weekend of cool, crisp temperatures.  I cooked chili last night and my dear husband was baking his famous pumpkin bread this morning.  Pumpkin bread in our house is the sign that fall has arrived.  Forget about turning leaves, pumpkins, festivals and candy corn, at our house, it’s pumpkin bread.  It smells heavenly about now!  I should…