
Encouraging Those Who Discouraged Us

Encouraging Those Who Discouraged Us

As I was struggling up my little hill on this morning’s walk, thoughts about forgiveness came to mind. For instance, is encouraging those that caused us pain a part of the forgiveness package? You know the one, seventy times seven, turn the other cheek. That package. I think it may be. One reason I have come to this conclusion is because more often than not, hurting people hurt others. Hurt comes in different forms. Fear,…

When Living Fulfilled Seems Impossible

When Living Fulfilled Seems Impossible

“O Lord, how long will you forget me? Forever? How long will you look the other way? How long must I struggle with anguish in my soul, with sorrow in my heart every day?…” Psalm 13:1-2 (NLT) Did you wake up this morning feeling forgotten? Oh how I understand that feeling. Just like you, there have been seasons where I have felt so invisible. As my fingers tap away, I am listening to Hunter Hayes’…

Divorce Isn’t The End Of The Story…

Divorce Isn’t The End Of The Story…

“Rash language cuts and maims, but there is healing in the words of the wise.” Proverbs 13:18, MSG I love sharing stories of my childhood. Our adult daughter is now sharing stories about her childhood. Sometimes I remember them the way she does but other times, I don’t recognize the story or even me in the story. Each of us perceives events, even the same event, through the filter of our own life experience. That cloudy view…

Our Story – Our Gift

Our Story – Our Gift

I sat on the table in the examination room – legs dangling with that paper gown on – waiting to hear what I knew was true. The biggest goals I had ever dreamed were wrapped up in getting married and having children. As my doctor entered the room and did all of those things doctors do to confirm a diagnosis, my heart thrilled, “Carmen, you are pregnant.” Oh the joy of that moment. He began…