Faith, Hope & Joy

Boundaries Bring Freedom…

Boundaries Bring Freedom…

There was a time when I thought all activities needed to be a group project. You know what I mean – Lary and I do them together. Ahh, the bliss of couple life. What I began to realize is that when one of us doesn’t really want to participate, the bliss can become misery for all involved. Law four and five should have been utilized and we would have all been happier. We’ve been discussing…

Learning To See Value In Our Path Today…

Learning To See Value In Our Path Today…

When, as a child,  I wished for summer, my birthday, or Christmas my mom would say, “Carmen, you’re wishing your life away.” I didn’t quite grasp what she meant. My life seemed endless before me. Now as an adult, there have been seasons – days, weeks, months – that I wanted to wish away too. Seeing no value in the path I was walking. One of the things that has encouraged me during a difficult…

The Blame Game Can Be Deadly

The Blame Game Can Be Deadly

Sometimes it seems as if the odds are stacked against us. Have you ever said, “This is just who I am or how I was raised.”? Struggling with a habit or behavior that is hard to change is so frustrating. We’ve all heard the statistics –  abuse victims are more likely to abuse, children of alcoholics are more likely to become alcoholics and obesity tends to run in families. I am a child of divorced parents…

Because Drawing Lines in Chalk Seems Easier

  “A person without self-control is like a house with its doors and windows knocked out.” Proverbs 25:28, MSG I can be over sensitive to Lary’s emotions. I read his body language like I am studying for a final. He told me once to stop reading something into every facial expression. I told him if he didn’t like me reading his body language then stop talking so loud. Now reading them might not be so unhealthy…