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Who is in Your Cloud of Witnesses?

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,” Hebrews 12:1 ESV This verse is preceded with what is often called “faith’s hall of fame” in chapter 11. The roll call of those mighty men and women of God who are now cheering us on as…

God has your answer

When Your Mountain Seems Too High

I was listening to a little Elvis Radio yesterday. Not very spiritual, I know. Although, he can belt out How Great Thou Art. He was singing the old Marty Robbins’ song, You Gave Me a Mountain,  But this time {Lord} you gave me a mountain A mountain I may never climb It isn’t a hill any longer You gave me a mountain this time As I listened, I thought about some mountains that I have had…

God is the Great Redeemer of our faults and inadequacies

When We Push Our Dreams Around Our Plate Like Kale

Do you ever feel like your sparkle is dull? Sometimes I can’t even believe I have a sparkle. July 25th was my Mom’s first birthday in heaven. Sitting in my view is a little sign I bought her that says, “Don’t ever let anyone dull your sparkle.” I can only imagine she is filling heaven with hers.  When she died a few months ago I started the craziness of thinking about how much time I…

Isaiah 26:3 affirmation

A Way to Fear-less When We are Fear-full

I began this post on fear about two years ago. What in the whirl? How can something I wrote two years ago resonate with me still!? I am able to just pick up and continue writing because it’s that relevant. So relevant…like the first thing I thought of was me sitting poolside at my sister-in-law’s house a few days ago and decidedly moving myself inside because there were bats (yep, you read that correctly) swooping…