
Why lipstick ain’t as good as it used to be…

Why lipstick ain’t as good as it used to be…

With lipstick smeared and fingernail polish chipped she walks on wobbly feet in her high heels. She awaits her prince charming. She said she would marry him one day and she meant it. He is after all her first crush. She anticipates his arrival and the three words that make her heart sing, “you are beautiful”. Her daddy is home. I think girls of all ages long to know someone thinks they are beautiful. Years…

Sometimes the best way to fight is to bend our knee…

Sometimes the best way to fight is to bend our knee…

She was married to a man whose name meant “fool” in Hebrew. He was rude, harsh, selfish and quoting 1 Samuel 25:17, “a worthless man that one cannot speak to him.” The smartest decision Nabal ever made was to marry Abigail. Have you met this lady? She was intelligent, discerning and oh so beautiful. The day in and day out with Nabal had taught her discretion and sharpened her wits. She was a diplomat – had…

Going back seems so easy…

Going back seems so easy…

  “For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.” Galatians 5:1 ESV   When I become stressed, I usually want to run back to old habits and my old way of handling situations. Do you struggle with that too? Going back always seems easier. We have good intentions but change is hard. So hard that sometimes we’d rather go back to the painful…

Because…we look forward

Because…we look forward

Across Facebook we see posters share the “my year in review” post and I think, do I want to review my year? How about you? Let’s be honest, there was some craziness in 2014. I’ve had some- Oh Lord, Please Lord, No Lord, Yes Lord, Don’t Lord, Why Lord, Help Lord and a lot of Thanks Lord. A wise woman told me in 1991 during a health crisis, “In six months you will look back on today…