
Because God is The Master Restorer-Faith + Testimony

Because God is The Master Restorer-Faith + Testimony

“I (Jesus) came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” John 10:10 What is it about home restoration shows that draws us in? Within my heart, I find the answer. Renewal. Flippers see something in distressed homes that most of us don’t see – their potential. Potential – that’s what God tells us He sees in us. Will you join me today over at Faith + Testimony? Click Go to post and connect with…

When Our Buts Cover Our Potential

When Our Buts Cover Our Potential

“And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:9 Fear of failure is at the foundation of my buts.  Excuses and rationalizations bury many of my hopes and dreams. Do you find yourself with those same struggles? Covering your call, the desires of your heart, and even your spiritual ears with layers of buts and can’ts? I am so tender towards Moses…

The Wildfire of Fear That Comes With Cancer

The Wildfire of Fear That Comes With Cancer

“Instinctively, I took a step away from him. What? Our family didn’t get cancer. We had plenty of other health problems in our family history, but not cancer. I looked at Cooper, still wiggling and pushing off my chest in an attempt to be set free. Hugging him closer I thought, cancer?!?” The word we all dread. The one we never want to hear associated with one of our kids. If we’re honest, the disease…