
Image describes Your Hope Coach Podcast | EP19

Can We Find Beauty in Our Pain? | EP19

Are you standing in the rubble of your circumstances and wondering if you will ever find any good in all this bad? In this episode, Carmen offers several actions we can take to begin seeing the little bits of hope amid our ashes. Verses Carmen shared: Romans 8:282 Corinthians 1:3-5 Three questions from Grace Maps to ponder when searching for beauty in your ashes: 1. Can I see how God worked through this difficult time? 2. Did…

God’s Intentions for You Will Prevail

God’s Intentions for You Will Prevail

When the nurses asked me if I wanted to know the sex of our baby, I said no. As I look back on that choice, I’m a bit surprised at my answer. I’m all about knowing. Planning. Trying to answer all the questions that might arise. The joy of a baby overrode my curiosity. Either answer was a good one. The sex of our baby brought no anxiety or fear. When Jochebed discovered the sex…

Stop Believing the Enemy’s Lies | EP08

Stop Believing the Enemy’s Lies | EP08

How do we recognize when the enemy is messing with our minds? How do we stop believing his lies? Listening to the lies of the enemy can affect every aspect of our daily lives, which can lead to discouragement and defeat. God’s Word shows us the key to protecting our minds. Listen in to today’s episode as Carmen and Kristine discuss this difficult yet important topic. They explore the story of Eve in the Bible,…