Light and hope in the dark.

Light and hope in the dark.

My life was unraveling as if a loose thread had been pulled. Filled with distrust, not only of others but of myself. Each step felt soft, loose, and movable like sand under my feet. The solid structure of my home was like a house with termites. Outwardly all was well but the unseen was hollow and being destroyed. But God… Paul’s words in 2 Corinthians 4:8 began to ring true for me, “We are experiencing trouble on every…

When I Feel Ugly…

When I Feel Ugly…

I love the days when my hair is perfect (well almost perfect), my double chin is hiding and my crow’s feet (laugh lines when I feel pretty) aren’t so prominent. This isn’t one of those days. Choosing my outfit today was like an episode of “What Not To Wear”. The glaring difference was my scowling face as I put on each piece. At first glance, my closet looks as if it took a deep breath,…

The Process…

The Process…

We have all had a dream shattered.  If we are blessed to grow old, we will experience many broken hearts.  Some of them will be a mere fracture.  Others will be a clean break and then some of them will be shattered.  When I think of my brokenness,  some days it feels as if my heart has been mended with white craft glue and the bond is a little shaky.  Some days the repairs seems firm and the glue appears clear as…