They call her Cookie…

They call her Cookie…

 May she who gave you birth be happy. Proverbs 23:25, NLT She is mischievous, funny, beautiful and brave. She was the mom that drove us around the McDonald’s parking lot Friday nights on the chance that we might catch a glimpse of that certain cute guy.  And, she is the Nana who used binoculars to spot cute guys for my daughter from the balcony of our condo in Florida just a few years ago. I…

To Still Be Smitten…

To Still Be Smitten…

“So Jacob served seven years for Rachel, and they seemed to him but a few days because of the love he had for her.” Genesis 29:20, ESV There are many milestone years in marriage. The first year you are on your honeymoon, number two you are trying to adjust to him just being there all the time. The shocking realization that there is another person up in your business takes some adapting and rearranging. I…