Living Graceful When Growth is Hard

I’ve had growth and change on my mind this week. This quote from Rick Warren is one I can say I’ve experienced.

“There is no growth without change, no change without fear or loss, and no loss without pain.”

The question that seems to glare at us is, why is pain a part of growth? I don’t know about you, but I tend to make changes when my circumstances become painful. Don’t you wish we would make changes before we have to?

Our internal growth depends on our willingness to accept that God, through the Holy Spirit, will often move us forward using our circumstances and situations. The Creator of the universe uses His creativity to grow us in ways that He realizes will motivate us best.

Jesus used several different circumstances to grow the Apostle Peter. How about when he vehemently promised never to forsake Jesus, yet when fear took over, he denied him three times? Peter’s denial brought such anguish to him. Peter’s transformation (growth) was ushered in through the pain of his betrayal.

Do you find yourself in a difficult situation? Has your heart let discouragement, bitterness, or unforgiveness settle in like they are sitting in a comfy chair?

The Holy Spirit will empower you to grow and change. You are the boss of your feelings, attitudes, and reactions. They might be like rebellious children, but you can insist they fall in line with the truth of Scripture.

James, the brother of Jesus, gives this hope:

 Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow.

James 1:2-3 NLT

So, how do we insist our feelings, attitudes, and reactions fall in line? We begin the hard work of growth and cut a new pathway for health and healing. And we do that with Scripture. We declare the truth of who we are in Christ and the benefits of our salvation. Scripture is the weed cutter and the pruning sheers. We are responsible for using the tool (Scripture) to build the new trail.

Are you in a spot where you can see where a difficult circumstance in your life will create a positive change within you? When you decide to take a closer look, there’s a good chance you can already recognize your growth.


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