How to Flourish Where it Matters | EP20

In Episode 20, Carmen gives us two secrets to live happy, and the benefits of taking the writer of Psalm One’s advice.

Psalm 1:1-6

The Beatitudes: Matthew 5:1-12

Our prayer:

Dear Lord, Why does happiness seem to elude us at times? Life is hard, and we forget that true happiness is in our relationship with You. We want a lot of sunshine and flowers, but those rainy days come, and our hearts get water-logged and so heavy. Help us to remember that You offer us a joy that happiness doesn’t describe, and rainy days can’t drown. Lift our spirits, please. Your Word tells us You watch over the godly. You plant us deep and feed us Living Water. May we see Your hands at work in our lives. We love You, Lord. In Jesus’ name, we pray, amen.


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